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Meditation /


What is the difference between relaxation and meditation?


In short, relaxation techniques such as autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation target the autonomic nervous system and bring the practitioner into a relaxed state, while meditation also acts on the subtle energy system and harmonizes body, mind and soul.


The aim of the meditation is not the relaxation, but the introspection and serves the development of personality. Meditation goes much deeper than pure relaxation. Learning and practising meditation is a process.


Meditations have concrete and multifaceted goals: to strengthen self-esteem, to forgive oneself or others, or to use silence to realize your deepest you.

If the meditator uses certain meditations, he/she can work on his/her own issues and problems and find his solutions inside.


At first, people who are new to it, is still afraid of the silence in deep relaxation. But even the change from the constant tension to relaxation, give a lot of new quality of life.

And often, this new relaxed attitude to life causes one or the other to awaken the need to go deeper and the interest in meditation is aroused.

Most people understand "meditation" to be a kind of control of the mind or deep thinking, usually through concentration, but that is not at all true. The real meditation has nothing to do with control of the mind or thinking at all. But is a state of inner silence. In the state of true silence, when we no longer observe, do nothing or think, we find ourselves. Then we are really ourselves.


How do you manage to have no thoughts? We can not force the mind not to think because the more we try to think nothing, the more we think. If I tell you not to think in a pink elephant, guess which picture will come instantly in your mind.

The trick is not to try, but to let it go. If the mind can be himself, then it is like coming home for him.


For people who need it most, the effects are often particularly impressive. The post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is considered to be severe and only long-lasting. However, a recent study has shown a 50% reduction in PTSD and depression after only 8 weeks of doing some meditations.

Meditation is not a relaxation technique. Of course, meditating relaxed. But that's more of a positive side effect. It’s not religious or esoteric. While meditation may often be used by religious or esoteric people to come to God or achieve a similar goal, it is not tied to a religion or spiritual belief.

Happy after meditating. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich
Meditating. Meditation. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich

Religious or spiritual goals can help but also counteract, for example, because a specific result is sought, and they offer plenty of room for misunderstandings and misinterpretations.


Anyone, anywhere, anytime, can do meditation.

Meditation not only promotes health and well-being, but also the brain function: 


  • Increase and improve your creativity, focus and intelligence

  • Reduce stress

  • Less sickness

  • Increase your empathy and compassion

  • Increased well-being, a better mood and relationships with loved ones become more fulfilling

  • More emotional stability

  • Better sleep

  • More self-confidence

  • More energy

  • Better memory and concentration

  • You become happier, more balanced and sociable, more optimistic

  • More confident

  • Grateful

  • A deeper connection with yourself, with your deepest, wiser and higher self

  • It massively releases happy hormones and at the same time massively reduces stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline.

  • Your whole mood / attitude will change, it will be more relaxed. Really more stress-resistant and mature.

  • It increases the mass of white matter. Your brain grows

  • The blood pressure drops

  • The cholesterol level drops

  • Increased awareness - even when eating - facilitates body control, weight loss

Meditating in Bodhgaya (India). Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich

A study has shown that mindfulness meditation can reduce negative moods and help you feel more comfortable and communicate with more empathy. Everything leads to an improvement in your relationships and also makes it easier for you to deal with your own feelings.

What will improve at the same time: 


  • Mental absence and daydreaming

  • Social anxiety (fear of people or crowds)

  • Depressions

Meditate and relax on the beach. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich
Walking in the labyrinth of life. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich


Relaxation: Essential for the health


Our everyday life is characterized by stress and hectic. Every free minute is planned and relaxation does not fit into our efficient daily schedule.


All day we are more or less active, but it is important that active phases are followed by relaxation and recovery. Those who are relaxed can better assess themselves and others and make important decisions in peace.


Rest and relaxation are extremely important for physical and mental well-being. When we are stressed, the body produces stress hormones like adrenaline, dopamine and cortisol. These release energy reserves and slow down our immune system.

If our body does not break down these hormones, serious consequences such as anxiety / panic states, digestive problems, metabolic disorders, stress disorders, fatigue (burnout) ... But also physical illnesses such as chronic head or abdominal pain, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, migraine, sleep disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, Palpitations / tachycardia, high blood pressure, muscle tension ...


In the relaxed state, the breathing becomes calm and regular, and the muscles relax. The muscles are part of the autonomic nervous system and when they are relaxed, it affects our overall wellbeing.

Vacation on a tropical island. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich
Relaxing Massage. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich
Enjoy at the gym. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich
Laughing with friends. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich
Listen to your favorite music in nature. Psychological counselling, hypnosis and workshops - seminars with May in Munich

Relaxation techniques against Stress


Only a few minutes of relaxation a day can help you to go through life more relaxed and healthier.


There are many relaxation techniques, which in most cases are easy to learn and take little time.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation


Also known as deep muscle relaxation, is one of the best known relaxation techniques, developed by the American physician Edmund Jacobson and based on the alternating tension and relaxation of individual muscle parts in a particular order initially tense, the muscle tension is kept short, and then the tension is released.


The aim of the procedure is to lower the muscle tension below the normal level due to improved body awareness.


You do not need any aids and can do the technique while sitting or lying down. In case of sleep disturbances, you can spend a few minutes in bed in the evening, to carry out the progressive muscle relaxation.



Autogenic Training


It is also well-known, but is very different from Progressive Muscle Relaxation. It is an autosuggestion-based relaxation process which was developed by the Berlin psychiatrist Johannes Heinrich Schultz from hypnosis and which emerged from observations. Schultz called his procedure "concentrative self-relaxation”.



This relaxation technique comes from the self-hypnosis and works with so-called autosuggestive formulas, even in the "switched" state. By switching, Schultz understands the change from the normal waking state to an altered, hypnotic state of consciousness.

With the help of your imagination, you can put your body into a state of rest.


Autogenic training takes a bit of practice and regular training until you completely master the technique. It can help with sleep disorders, depression and anxiety disorders, and increase the ability to concentrate.



All is explained before. There are many different forms of meditation. You can perform them walking, sitting, lying down, dancing or standing. Music often plays a major role. For beginners, meditations are suitable for up to ten minutes.



Breathing Exercises


Breathing exercises are also ideal for relaxation. When you are in a stressful situation, your breathing becomes shallow. As you learn to influence your breathing, you can also influence your stress level. If you breathe calmly and deeply, you relax, so they are particularly suitable for relaxation in acute stress situations.


Breathing exercises can lower your blood pressure, relieve tension and increase your ability to concentrate and reduce stress. Proper breathing will make you blithely and prevent fatigue.



The catalyst for this is the deliberate concentration on the breathing and the conscious control of the breaths, which normally take place without our noticing.


A classic example is the three deep breathing before reacting to a nuisance.


In an acute panic attack, breathing is often shortened and insufficient, so calming breathing exercises can help very quickly.


Since the respiratory muscles are heavily stressed during frequent coughing in asthma, it is important to stretch them through breathing exercises.


However, there are also many respiratory disorders where breathing exercises can achieve increasing improvement.

A regular training improves the state of health of the person concerned and provides a gain in quality of life and recovery in cases of previously frequent respiratory distress.



Exercise is probably one of the most effective techniques to reduce stress and relax.


Endurance training: Above all, people who sit a lot in front of their desks in their professional lives benefit from this kind of training.

Yoga: Combines meditation and breathing exercises with flowing movements.

Pilates: Like yoga, Pilates focuses on the entire body.

Tai Chi: This martial art comes from an ancient Chinese teaching. The body stays in motion the whole time, builds tension and releases it again. This way, blockages can be solved.

Qigong: This Chinese teaching is also suitable for relaxation. The focus here is on strengthening the life energy. With special movements, breathing and concentration exercises the life energy is to be strengthened.



Relaxing Music


You sit or lie down on the bed, the sofa or wherever you want, and listen to the music until your thoughts completely come to rest and you can devote your attention solely to the music.



Your well-being can greatly increase with the help of a massage. Blockages can be loosened and your muscles relaxed.


Smiling & Laughing

A very simple yet effective technique for relaxation. They release endorphins and natural painkillers. Stress hormones are lowered.


Meet Friends

Talking with friends, just about something completely different, doing different activities and feeling the warmth of a friendship makes us forget all the stress.





What can we offer you?


Learn and / or experience meditation, relaxation and breathing exercises.

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